Ellie’s Birth Story

Hypnobirthing works in such different ways for different people: it might help you in a completely different way to how it helped your mate… or it might help you in completely different way than you expected it to.

But sometimes it helps you in that almost stereotypical way… taking you from terrified, to calm, to breathing your baby out and then changing your life.

It seems Nicole, who took my course back in April, went through the transformation almost unbeknownst to her. Until unexpectedly at 35 weeks, she went into labour. Even though she was preterm, she navigated it with a clear, calm head and describes her baby’s birth as a life-changingly positive experience.

“Birth… one of the scariest things a woman would ever experience? That’s what I thought anyway, until I had my baby girl this year. I was always terrified of giving birth. What is it? How will it feel? Will I be able to cope? I had seen people speak about Hypnobirthing so I thought I’d give it a go, in all honestly I’d say to my partner every week, ‘if it doesn’t work, at least I’ve tried’. The fact Jenny would say we can breathe a baby out, I thought… no chance. Ridiculous. I thought I’d rather have a C-section. 

My due date was getting closer, I had tried burning oils and fairy lights and breathing just in case… I felt “different”. Little did I know it was really working. I was a different person. In the back of my mind I still knew I had to give birth soon. 

On Sunday 23rd May at 35 weeks, I went into natural labour. I was so calm, I had a bath, I never bath, but it was something Jenny recommended so of course I wanted to do it. I was in denial I was even in labour. In fact I was still getting ready to head to the shops. It wasn’t until my partner said we should head to the hospital, he was timing the contractions and they were 5 minutes apart. It didn’t even occur to me. I had chosen the birth centre but was I worried? Of course not. 

When I arrived at the hospital, I still wasn’t worried or scared. I was speaking to another lady in the waiting room and she said “what if it’s today?” I shrugged it off, kinda excited. I had messaged Jenny and my group to let them know, the support from each other really helped, the affirmations I was given just put me on a high. 

 I was moved to the labour ward, I wasn’t scared, I remember thinking… should I be? The midwife was so helpful. I was so calm throughout, yes it was a pain I hadn’t experienced ever but it was happening, and my body was just coping. And by 8pm I honestly can say, I breathed my baby out, I did it, she was here! I didn’t make a sound, I was calm. Even midwife had said it was such a calm birth. 

 I never thought I’d be saying this and I’ve told so many people... It was amazing, our bodies are amazing! I am not afraid, and I cannot thank Jenny enough, it’s changed my life!”