Breastfeeding 101 workshops

The UK has some of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world - but it's not because we don't want to do it. We know that the vast majority of us do want to breastfeed our babies... so what's going on?

This is a relaxed and informative workshop on Zoom, covering breastfeeding in more detail than we have time for in the full Birth Up Hypnobirthing course.

We'll look at how breastfeeding actually works, what to expect while we establish feeding, normal baby behaviour, the fourth trimester, positioning, latching, the myths and obstacles that might stop people from reaching their feeding goals, poop... and more!

£18 (£10 for Hypnobirthing clients)

Private sessions £55 per family

Next Workshops:
13th June 2023 7.30pm-9pm